Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Fear

What motivates you? 

Most people would probably say that it is either a better life for themselves/kids or FEAR. Its funny how fear is perhaps the most powerful and common motivating factor behind every decision a person makes. Fear can cause relationship to grow, deteriorate or stall. Fear can make the difference between you being here today and gone tomorrow. It takes such a powerful grip over the lives of those who it consumes that some would argue it to be a more powerful presence that God. Hmmmmm...

And there's plenty of reasons to justify fear as the #1 motivating factor. Look at the current state of the economy. Once upon of time you were able to go to school and finish with a degree that got you a decent paying job; enough to cover your daily expenses and get you on your way to a retirement plan. Needless to say that is pretty much non-existent today. Fear of unemployment, fear of not being able to provide for those closest to you let alone yourself...the need for a material piece of paper in order to just survive drives the very thing that sucks you of life from within.....Fear....

See I have common, every day stressors just like you do. So how come I am able to continue to hold on to hope? Life is what you make it. I chose a long time ago to stop living in fear and start living in abundance. Fear of loss took me to an almost unreturnable low and that is not something anyone should live by. 

Search for your highs through your lows. Count your simple blessings in knowing that someone did not wake up today...but you did. Turn every reason of motivation driven by fear to reason driven by positive motivation. Establish a goal and more importantly a route to that goal. Know that the road to life is about as unleveled as it gets...but often times your destination to happiness is closer than in distance than you expect to travel...think on that.....